Unveiling the role and life strategies of viruses from the surface to the dark ocean
CNR ISMAR Sede di Ancona
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Seasonal rather than spatial variability drives planktonic and benthic bacterial diversity in a microtidal lagoon and the adjacent open sea
CNR ISMAR Sede di Ancona
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Deep-water zooplankton.in the Mediterranean Sea: ResulCNR ISMAR Sede di Trieste from a continuous, synchronous sampling over different regions using sediment traps
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Data Descriptor: High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic dataseCNR ISMAR Sede di Trieste of tidal channels
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
A thesaurus for phytoplankton trait-based approaches: Development and applicability
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Paleochannel and beach-bar palimpsest topography as initial substrate for coralligenous buildups offshore Venice, Italy
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Early chemical and ecotoxicological responses of the Varano lagoon (SE Italy) to a flood event
CNR ISMAR Sede di Lesina
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
How important are diapycnal mixing and geothermal heating for the deep circulation of the Western Mediterranean?
CNR ISMAR Sede di La Spezia
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Rapid response to climate change in a marginal sea.
CNR ISMAR Sede di Trieste
CNR ISMAR Sede di Lesina
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Sea Surface Temperature Trends in Venice Lagoon and the Adjacent Waters
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Phytoplankton morphological traiCNR ISMAR Sede di Trieste in a nutrient-enriched, turbulent Mediterranean microtidal lagoon
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Impact of using scatterometer and altimeter data on storm surge forecasting
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Numerical modeling of space-time wave extremes using WAVEWATCH III
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
The fouling serpulids (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from United States coastal waters: an overview EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TAXONOMY, 344 1-76; 10.5852/ejt.2017.344 AUG 17 2017
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Space-time extreme wind waves: Analysis and prediction of shape and height
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
On the shape and likelihood of oceanic rogue waves
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Unseeded large scale PIV measurements corrected for the capillary-gravity wave dynamics
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
WASS: An open-source pipeline for 3D stereo reconstruction of ocean waves
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Wind storminess in the Adriatic Sea in a climate change scenario
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery
CNR ISMAR Sede di Bologna
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Munitions in the Sea: Time for Global Action.
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
Oceanographic processes on the continental shelf: observations and modeling
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
THE DRAUPNER EVENT The Large Wave and the Emerging View
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
The Attenuation of Swell Waves by Rain
CNR ISMAR Sede di Venezia
gabriella.traviglia@unive.it / info@venezia86.it